I came across this site accidentally, and when I saw this look, I fell in love. She does it amazingly and I thought I would give it a go.
I got a ton of compliments and question about this look at the store, lol.
It's not really an exact dupe of this look but definitely inspired by.
here's the inspiration:
here's my version:

Maybelline Fit Me 210
Hard Candy hula hula bronzer
Milani the multitasker power, light medium
ELF mineral eyeshadow primer
Evil Shades Spectrum Pots, photonic green, gamut blue, visible violet
88 matte palette
Milani infinte liquid liner (waterline)
Maybelline the flasies flared
Milani light brow powder
criss cross lashes from ebay
Rimmel lip liner, east end snob
MAC cremesheen glass, partial to pink